Carmel Vets's home page
Carmel Vets, Fallings Park 01902 731127
Carmel Vets, Penn Fields - TEMPORARILY CLOSED 01902 342775

Cheryl Hedges


Cheryl Hedges - Receptionist
Cheryl Hedges Receptionist

Previous Experience

  • 5 Years Veterinary Experience
  • Customer Service
  • Nebsm Certificate in Supervisory Management
  • Various CPD Certs
  • BVRA Bronze
  • Dispensing Cert


5 Years Experience at this practice.

I have a good Knowledge of Brachiocephalic Breeds.

Getting to know clients, building up a rapport with them and making them feel Valued.

Interests and Hobbies

I have never been without a dog. From an early age I attended Agility and Obedience classes. I then passed as an obedience trainer under the National Dog Association.

I sometimes show my dogs which i find enjoyable and rewarding.

I have a few dogs which include 2 that I rescued.

My dogs are my life and I could never imagine life without my 4 Legged friends.

I also have an African Grey Parrot called Ricky. I had him at 14 weeks old and he is now 8. He is such a character. I'm sure he has 2 aims in life - One to tease the dogs and Two - to annoy my partner. Both of which he does very well.